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You can get Free Delivery By Shopping More Than ₹ 500

About Us

ECFisher - East Coast Fisher, as the name suggests we are from the Eastern Coastal area of the Chennai city focussing Product Development for fishermen - a traditional fisherman background stepping into the modern way of staying connected with customers desire for fresh and healthy products. 

ECFisher was founded by a group of like-minded friends looking to bring fresh seafood to our family, friends and neighbours.

Customer satisfaction is paramount to us and it is at the core of our operations.

The success of ECFisher is dependent on the happiness and satisfaction of our customers.

To this end, we have been working on growing our own products while working directly with fishermen on a carefully supervised model.

The traditional distribution model is limited in its ability to bring fresh-catched seafood quickly to the consumer.

We have identified last-mile delivery as our primary strategy fulfils our mission and for that purpose, we want to control every link in the supply chain, from fishing to grading, proper cleaning, packing and delivery to the doorstep.

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